Team Schedules and Game Standing Information, News (Barrie AAA Zone)

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Oct 06, 2014 | Webmaster | 4492 views
Team Schedules and Game Standing Information
A very important message from the ETA Chairman

The ETA has revamped it's web site. This is not the only change that we have made. We have also adopted a new scheduling system, TheOneDB, which is currently fully integrated with 10 of our members. This reduces volunteer work loads and provides essentially instant updates to game schedule information to serve you better. 

Please note however, that the ETA game schedule information and team standings is also available on other than our own and our members web sites. We do not control the updates to these external sites and as such the information they contain may differ from ours and/or be out of date.

Your Barrie AAA Zone website IS linked to the TheOneDB scheduling system and the information on your website is linked with the ETA hockey website system.

In ALL cases the ETA's web site game schedule information and team standings are to be considered as correct.

Thank you,

Bill Schlitt
ETA Chair