Tryouts for Barrie Colts AAA Zone Hockey…this is what you need to know!, News (Barrie AAA Zone)

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Mar 06, 2017 | HLankin | 6815 views
Tryouts for Barrie Colts AAA Zone Hockey…this is what you need to know!
The Coach Selection process and try-out information for the 2017/2018 season.   

The Coach Selection process for 2017/2018 season is almost complete and we will post the selected Coaches shortly.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the Coach Selection Committees for running a very thorough and fair selection process.  Of course, there are applicants, parents and players who may not be happy with some of the choices but that goes with the territory.   We believe we have selected the best people available from the applications submitted.

We would like to thank the parents who took the time to complete the online Parent Survey to assess current coaches and programs.  Your feedback is important and was utilized in the selection process in a completely de-identified format. All comments or information directly attributed to a specific individual was kept confidential from the Coach applicants.    

Also, Selection Committee members, attended practices and games for all teams to make field evaluations on prospective coaches.  Finally, there was the interview process which included lengthy exercises with respect to season plans, practice plans and proposed team budgets all to comply with our Barrie Colts AAA Zone Hockey Association policies and procedures.  

Next up – hopefully long playoff runs and success for all our teams and then tryouts for the 2017-18 season starting on April 10.   The Tryout Schedule is posted on our website.


1.       The majority of the tryout process is completed before on-ice tryouts begin.  If you are a coach and you are going to rely solely on a few 1 hour sessions to decide who is on your team, then you are a poor coach.  This makes sense and actual “game” time is considered.   Most coaches will have a number of 'for sure' kids in mind and 3 or 4 kids in mind for each remaining spot before on-ice tryouts begin.  

2.       Tryouts officially started the day each coach applied to be the coach and will continue after announcements.  Next year's potential coaches participated in a complex interview process which involved their research and planning for the 2017-18 team.  The potential coaches have already been watching games and will continue.  Following the coach announcements they will continue to be watching games all over the place; they should be taking and placing phone calls; they should be responding to and sending emails; they should be talking with current and incoming coaches to establish depth charts, etc. Next year's coaches should be highly visible around the rinks and ready to talk to parents. They should NOT be having birthday skates or anything which could be considered tampering.

3.       Coaches may not pick who YOU think are the best 17 or 18 players.  That is because coaches have to build TEAMS and that involves a mix of left and right shots; offensive and defensive kids; fast kids and grinders; creative/flashy players and steady/dependable players. They also may have to keep body checking in mind, work ethic, which way a kid is trending and coachability. Finally, AAA teams generally have between 110 and 180 events over the course of an 7-8 month season (plus summer training, if applicable) with team chemistry being an important component for success, so if you don't think parent behaviour/attitude and player behaviour/attitude have a role in selections then you are mistaken. Don't be the reason your kid doesn't make a team. If you suspect that you may be a crazy hockey parent, please read this (OMHA Respect in Sport) and calm down and just enjoy. As an Executive, we do not mandate who a Coach selects for his team although Hockey Operations does supply support and advice where needed. Picking teams is not an exact science - coaches will make mistakes. They are not doing it on purpose - they want to win and be successful too.  But maybe they see some potential in a player vs. one who may have plateaued. Maybe they think they can improve the decision making of a player who can skate and shoot and has some natural talent. Maybe it doesn't work out. It doesn't mean the coach is an incompetent idiot who should be publicly or anonymously insulted.  He was making a choice to improve the team and sometimes it doesn’t work out as planned.  Remember coaches are volunteers and people too – treat others how you wish to be treated.  Coaches all have a plan, some parts you may not agree with, but as parents you need to support the Team goals and not confuse your child by urging them to do things contrary to the Coach or by coaching from the stands.

So, with all of this in mind, what should you do to maximize your chances of achieving your goals?

If you are a player – work hard in games and practices - do the little things – listen, learn- be a great teammate who is easy to coach. You never know who is watching.

If you are a parent – be realistic. If your child is in house league, AE or A, the chances of them making AAA right away may be low. Target the appropriate level and contact the coach via email or if you see him around the rinks have a chat. Our Coaches are approachable and always willing to have a realistic conversation about your child. Make sure he knows who your child is and why you think your child is a strong candidate for the team. But, also remember to behave yourself and be respectful – everyone is watching.  And LISTEN with open ears even if you aren’t receiving the response you wanted – they may provide you with some helpful advice.  

If your child is returning from another association, please understand that they will usually have to be clearly better than incumbents to make the team. That may 'not be fair' that is just human nature.  So, you may have to play one level down for a year before you get back to the level you were playing elsewhere.

4.       Try-outs begin on Monday, April 10th – the detailed schedule is on our website. We have done our best to avoid most of the Easter weekend. These try-outs are for the Novice-Minor Midget Age Groups.  MIDGET TRYOUTS WILL BE SCHEDULED BEGINNING IN AUGUST.  The schedule can be found here

5.       Registration For Try-Outs.  Registration is only available online and will be open shortly.

Barrie AAA ‘In Zone’ players that wish to try-out for a AAA team MUST attend from the first tryout. If registering by midnight of April 1st, the registration fee is $105.00. This registration fee will guarantee player’s a minimum of two skates (if they attend from the FIRST tryout). Registrations after April 1st increase to $125.00.

For ‘out of zone’ players arriving AFTER the 1st tryout for their age group, registration is $25.00 per skate. These players are guaranteed one tryout.  If the player signs a card with a Barrie AAA Zone team, the balance of the initial $125.00 tryout fee must be paid to complete their registration fee.

Registration/Payments will NOT be accepted at any arena-no exceptions

Registration is non-refundable after the first tryout has begun. If payment was made PRIOR to the first tryout and a refund is requested, a refund will be issued, less our $5.00 administration fee.

6.       Permission to Skate (PTS) form from your Home Centres are Required!  - If a player does not have their PTS form the player will not be allowed on the ice until the form is received from your Home centre. This process takes a while so DON’T leave it until the last minute.  Barrie AAA Zone will make NO EXCEPTIONS to players missing forms.  PTS forms are required so we can confirm the player is covered by OMHA insurance.

Barrie AAA Zone Players-'In Zone': The Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA) requires that every player trying out for a AAA team provide the AAA Zone with a Permission to Skate (PTS) form from their Home Center prior to stepping on the ice. This applies to all players who are members of the Barrie AAA Zone. The member centers that make up the Barrie AAA Zone are Barrie, Beeton, Essa, Innisfil, Stayner and New Tecumseth (TNT). All 'In Zone' players MUST request a PTS form regardless of where they played last season.

IMPORTANT: PTS forms MUST be processed by your 'home center' and be in OUR system 24 hours PRIOR to the first skate. PTS forms will NOT be processed after 4:30PM Monday-Friday or on weekends by ANY of our member centers. If a player does not have their PTS form requested and in our system, the player will miss the tryouts until the form can be processed.

A “How Do I Get The PTS Form?” note will be posted on our website in the Try-Out section.

Non Barrie AAA Zone Players: Players from outside the Barrie AAA Zone, wishing to attend tryouts must present an original signed Waiver/Form1 form from their respective AAA Zone or Home Center prior to stepping on the ice as per OMHA Policy.

7.       Waiver/Form 1 Process (Release) - If a player is requesting a Waiver/Form 1 from the Barrie AAA Zone, registration and payment for tryouts MUST still be processed online and the player is expected to attend the tryouts. Waiver/Form 1 forms will only be handed out by an Executive Member with approval from the Head Coach of their age group and is at the discretion of the Coach. The Coach will advise the Executive of the name of player(s) released after each tryout. The Waiver/Form 1 will then be provided by a designated Executive member, this will allow the player to attend tryouts at an adjacent Center. Both player and parent must be present to sign the form.


8.       Attendance at Try-Outs - A reminder that players residing within our Association boundaries that wish to try-out for a Barrie AAA Zone team are expected to attend and be present at the first tryout. As per our Rules of Operations article 5.1: Players may be excused "from spring tryouts if a player is injured or for other good cause."

Attending spring/summer tryouts or other sport activity DOES NOT fall under good cause.

The Vice Chairperson of Hockey Operations may excuse a player from spring tryouts if a player is injured or for other good cause. The player/parent must submit a written request to the Vice Chairperson of Hockey Operations as soon as possible, but in any case, not after spring tryouts have commenced.  Please submit your written request to Vice Chairperson/Hockey Ops: Tom Bly [email protected]

9.       Full Equipment is Required for Try-outs.  Players are reminded to wear proper equipment as per OMHA rules. This includes, mouth guards, neck protection and goalie neck guards.  Players not wearing appropriate protection in compliance with OMHA rules will not be permitted on the ice surface.

We wish all our teams the best of luck in their respective playoff runs and look forward to starting the 2017-18 season.  

Should you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact me directly at (705) 728-3265 or [email protected].

Thank you in advance for your continued support of the Barrie AAA Zone Hockey program.

Hugh Campbell, Chairman
Barrie Colts AAA Zone Hockey Association
