Barrie AAA Zone Hockey Return to Play, News (Barrie AAA Zone)

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Aug 20, 2020 | HLankin | 4248 views
Barrie AAA Zone Hockey Return to Play
We are actively working on a program to get our players back on the ice now that the OHF has released guidelines for that return.

In addition, we are expecting more guidance from the OMHA this week. See the link to the OHF Return to Hockey Framework dated July 29, 2020 for more details

Our prime concern is to create a safe environment for our players and coaches within the various Government, Health Authorities and Hockey Organizations that will govern our return to the ice.

We have had a number of meetings with the City of Barrie to address protocols for entering and exiting the arenas, general use of the facility and our on-ice plans. Once these details are finalized, a complete plan detailing procedures, health issues, numbers allowed on the ice and all the various issues surrounding this entire process need to be submitted to the City, then the Simcoe District Health Unit and then the OMHA for approval before we will be allowed to resume hockey operations.

Needless to say, this is a complex maze all in uncharted territory, with multiple layers of complexity.

Our objective is to create 9 groups (Novice to Midget) consisting of 18-20 players at each level with a return to ice in mid-September as a starting point. These groups would primarily be formed from players based on last year’s rosters with some modifications yet to be determined.

If this can be achieved as above or in an acceptable modified form, we can at least get our players on the ice and re-engaged in a meaningful hockey experience.

We would anticipate that the teams would primarily practice amongst themselves for September to November, followed by potentially some form of game play in a 3 on 3 or 4 on 4 style, but that still needs to be determined. The initial plan would provide up to 3-4 ice times per week per group including development and inter squad competition.

In creating this start up it is impossible to determine what the entire season may look like and as such we will not have a seasonal registration fee but rather a progressive fee based on stages. Our first fee would cover the initial phase through to November based on the amount of ice and number of players per group. As we progress and hopefully open things up to include some form of league play or other additional opportunities, we will then provide a fee structure for the second half of the season. The objective is to keep the fees as low as possible to only cover costs.

I realize this is a less than complete overview and there still remain a number of questions and obstacles to overcome. As more guidance and details become available, I will continue to update you on our progress.

Hugh Campbell
Chairman Barrie AAA Zone
