The Barrie AAA Zone Hockey Executive would like to invite you to participate in our 2020 Annual General Meeting by way of ZOOM video conference which will allow for online or telephone call-in participation.
DATE: Thursday, September 24, 2020
TIME: 7:00 PM
PLACE: Meeting will be held via ZOOM video conference call
The Agenda for the meeting is noted below.
We are sure you have lots of questions as it relates to the Return to Hockey framework and what the 2020-21 hockey season will look like. In order to facilitate the meeting efficiently, we are asking you to pre-register. As part of the registration, you will have the opportunity to include any questions you may have and we will do our best to answer those and keep you informed. We encourage you to read the Return to Hockey updates that have been posted by the OMHA and are
linked here.
Preregistration is required to participate in the meeting and must be completed by Wednesday, September 23, 2020 at 12:00 PM.
Registration Link: 2020 Annual General Meeting Registration
1. Approval of Minutes of Last General Meeting - June 13, 2019
2. Reports:
a) Executive Committee
b) Hockey Operations
c) Ice Scheduling
d) Equipment Committee
e) Risk Management Committee
3. Planned activities for coming year
4. Auditors Report
5. Appointment of Auditor for next year
6. By Law Changes
7. Election of New Board:
a) Chairman
b) Treasurer
c) Administrator
8. Adjournment
Any Amendment to the By-laws by a member must be in writing, signed by a member in good standing and received by the Chair of the Association (Hugh Campbell), no later than Sept. 15, 2020. These are to be emailed to [email protected] A list of amendments being brought forward will be posted on the website.
Nominations for the elected positions: Chairman, Treasurer and Administrator may be submitted at any time up to the meeting in writing to Hannah Lankin, Vice Chair Administration, email: [email protected]
In order to be eligible for any of the elected positions, the nominee must be a member in good standing. All positions other than elected positions are appointed by the Board after the Annual General Meeting.