Arena Policy, News (Barrie AAA Zone)

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Sep 21, 2021 | DOttosen | 765 views
Arena Policy
With games starting and ever-evolving restrictions in arenas, the City of Barrie has asked us to remind all players and spectators of the following:

I would like to remind all our users that we have specific Code of Conduct requirements within our Recreation and Culture facilities. I am hoping that you and your organizations can help support these measures by forwarding this notification to all your members.

We understand that these are difficult times, bringing a tremendous number of stressors into our lives. These stressors do not negate the expectation that those who enter our City of Barrie facilities treat the City of Barrie staff and other users with the utmost respect. We have Zero Tolerance of harassment within the City of Barrie, and I want to inform you and your organization, that if anyone is found to be in violation of our Code of Conduct, they will be asked to leave the facility and face consequences that could include, removal from the facility, loss of ice time for the organization being represented, and/or fines.

Let’s work together to ensure we keep our facilities safe for our users and staff by following the facility rules, guidelines, and imposed regulations as we work through this pandemic and beyond.


Rob Bell – Director, Recreation & Culture Service