Our image and branding as the Barrie Colts AAA Hockey Association is very important to us and one that players and families take pride in. In order for teams to remain consistent our 'Rules of Operation' outline the dress code for all teams from U10 to U18 as described below.
We feel it is important for us as an Association to have a consistent appearance when our teams are at games and tournaments. It is for this reason that certain items need to be purchased from our exclusive Barrie Colts supplier – Pro Star Sports Excellence. As a reminder, Pro Star has the rights to use the Barrie Colts "Charlie Horse" logo.
Track Suits - If your team is purchasing track suits they must be ordered through Pro Star as per the attached price list. Again, track suits are not mandatory but if teams are deciding to purchase them, the team must wear the approved suit from Pro Star.
Hockey Pants or Shells with the Colts stripe, Soft Shell jackets and Hockey Bags – These items are mandatory for each player as per our rules of operation. Players are expected to wear soft shells jackets to all games, whether home or away.
Jerseys - The Association has decided to partner with Bauer starting in the 2018/2019 season. Registration fees include the expense of a jersey kit that includes both home and away jerseys and 2 pairs of socks. This will allow them to size their player at their own discretion and choose a number of their choice
As an Association we feel this is the right step forward in providing the membership quality jerseys from Bauer and allowing them to manage their own players equipment.
If any team wishes to order any additional items, you need approval from the Association before doing so.
If you have any questions, please contact Pauline Chiodo, Director of Equipment: [email protected]
Section 4. Equipment, Player Uniforms and Team Colours
4.1. Equipment, Player Uniforms and Team Colours
a) The Barrie Colts Zone AAA teams will play under the OHL Barrie Colts team colours.
b) all equipment must conform to sections 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3
4.2. Players
a) The player will purchase their own home and away jersey, home and away socks, hockey pant or shell with the Colts stripe, Association jacket(see below) and hockey bags:
i) Association Jacket:
U10 to U12: Bauer Flex Jacket- Light Weight (with or without optional Bauer fleece or bubble interest).
U13 to U18: Landmark Insulated Soft Shell
b) Player will supply their own navy blue hockey helmet and set of navy blue hockey gloves or the Colts coloured hockey gloves.
c) All equipment supplied by the player will be CHA or CSA approved.
4.3. Mouth guards
a) The player will supply his own mouth guard, which must be worn during games and practices.
b) Mouth guards must be OMHA approved.
4.4. Numbering of Game Jerseys and Player Name Panels
a) Players are able to select any number, subject to availability. Returning AAA players have first right to a number worn in the season immediately prior to the current season
b) Numbers: 60, 70 and 80 will be excluded from player selection and are allotted as they AP jersey numbers.
c) The Player’s last name must be placed on their jerseys, on the back above the number and will be sublimated (not affixed with a name panel).
6.8 Dress Code
a) Players and coaches shall wear official team attire when traveling to and at ALL home and away games.
b) An appropriate dress code is a very important part of projecting an image for the Association. Please arrive at all games clean and properly attired. Failure to do so may result in loss of ice time and if the problem persists, possible suspension. Coaches and managers are required to enforce this dress code at all times. Infractions will be reported to the Vice Chair Hockey Operations.
c) Association Jacket:
i) U10 to U12: Bauer Flex Jacket- Light Weight (with or without optional Bauer fleece or bubble interest).
ii) U13 to U18: Landmark Insulated Soft Shell
d) All coaching staff (except trainers) are required to wear appropriate attire to all games. This will include a shirt, tie, dress slacks and dress shoes. the Association jacket (team specific) with the Barrie Colts logo will be mandatory. Jacket’s with another team’s logo is not permitted. Trainers have the option to wear a complete Barrie Colts tracksuit and comfortable runners.
e) Players are required to wear to all games:
i) U10 to U12: The players of these teams will wear a mock neck/dress shirt and tie, dress slacks and dress shoes (winter boots). No jeans, running shoes or ball caps are permitted unless they are approved Colts apparel.
ii) U13 to U18: Players will wear a shirt and tie, dress slacks and dress shoes (no winter boots). No jeans, running shoes or ball caps are permitted except Colts apparel.
f) Teams who wish to purchase track suits, warm-up clothing or hoodies must order the approved BARRIE COLTS AAA apparel available that year by the Association.
g) ANY ITEMS outside the mandatory items listed above and available Association approved apparel, whether it be a different style t-shirt, shorts, or toques etc, MUST be approved by the Director of Equipment BEFORE being ordered, WORN or USED by any AAA Team. Teams MUST have approval to use the Colts logo or Colts name; you MUST have written approval to place your order. Failure to receive approval will result in the team funds being replaced at the cost of the member placing the order. Game socks and Game Jerseys are to worn for games only and not for practices.