Dec 18, 2014 | jrichardson | 2365 views
Colts Help Out this Christmas
For Christmas this year, the Barrie Colts Minor Atom AAA team participated in the "Adopt a Family" program that is run by the Salvation Army.
Each of our boys and their families donated food and gifts to provide for a single dad and his four children.
Our team was given this particular family because one of the children is an 11 year old boy who loves hockey and the Barrie Colts. A big thank you to Hugh Campbell who has arranged for him this family to attend a Barrie Colts game and get autographs from the players. We hope that by being involved in this program we have made a Christmas possible for this family, while at the same time recognizing how fortunate we all are. The team wishes everyone a safe and happy holiday season!
Story by Tammy MacLean